Concierge Primary Care

Nothing is More Important Than Your Health

BlueWave Medicine’s primary care practice is a concierge medical practice. Our practice is designed for people who seek an ongoing relationship with a primary care clinician who is passionate to know their clients rather than just their disease; collaborate with their clients to individualize treatments and health goals to achieve optimal health; and create healthy lifestyles to increase longevity and quality of life.

Personalized & Comprehensive Care

  • Concierge Primary Care in Sausalito, California

    An integrative approach toward diagnosis and treatment that values you as an individual with a unique physiologic and genomic composition, life experience, and worldview.

  • Concierge Medicine in Marin, California

    Keeping you healthy as you age using the best of conventional and alternative medicine inclusive of cutting edge biomedical technologies, ancient healing traditions and lifestyle medicine.

  • Concierge Medicine in the San Francisco Bay Area

    Giving you practical tools to enhance your personal happiness, vitality, sleep quality, mental focus and resilience.

Exclusive medical practice in Sausalito, California

Exclusive to 100 Patients Per Clinician

To achieve this goal, we intentionally limit each clinician’s practice size to no more than 100 patients. This enables us to have the time and mental capacity to be thinking about your health on a regular basis, including when you are not in the same room with us. Our unique approach of applying integrative and functional medicine to a limited number of patients allows us the necessary time and resources to develop a personalized relationship with each individual.

Individualized Team-Based & Holistic Care

In addition to providing exceptional high-quality medical care, the BlueWave Medicine team is able to collectively serve as your health manager, advocate, coach, and health system navigator. We provide truly individualized, team-based & holistic care in a proactive manner. We work closely with specialists to ensure you receive expedited and state-of-the-art diagnostic studies and treatment recommendations appropriate to your unique health concerns.

In short, we pride ourselves in serving as your personal physician and in so doing value you as a member of our extended family.

Member Services

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